Studio Policies

Frequently Asked Questions and
Online Studio Policies

A rough estimate of necessary practice time would be 15-20 min./day for a first year student, 30 min./day for a second year student, etc. Of course, sometimes, life interferes, but the student who makes practicing a regular part of his routine will not only make better progress, but will enjoy their success, and therefore enjoy their music study much more. 

Students need an instrument in the home for practicing in the form of a full-sized piano or a digital pian. A digital piano should have a full 88-key keyboard with touch sensitivity, a damper pedal (aka sustain pedal), and should be set at the standard piano height with a bench or stool that is preferably adjustable. 

Adult involvement is key to success! Students will need an older piano partner if they are 8 years old or younger. The piano partner should watch the videos along with the student and help with practicing and recording homework videos. Older children will need some parental checking up throughout the week and may need help with videos as well. Please let me know about any strengths or weaknesses your child may have with learning, and please always feel free to discuss any concerns with me!

Students will be assigned to pods of 4-8 which will have monthly online group classes. Classes will be held live on Rock Out Loud Live. Students will need a good internet connection and headphones for these classes. Young students will need a parent to be present during the group classes. Good citizenship and supportive behavior toward other students is expected. The teacher may mute students who do not demonstrate positive behavior during class, and may remove a student from the group if poor behavior persists.

The purchase of the video course will be done through this website.

All course access will be done on this website. Parents must sign up for a parent account, then sign their child(ren) up and assign courses to them. A video walk through will be provided to parents.

Students who subscribe to the video exchange feature for individual feedback will purchase a subscription for a set number of weeks. These are consecutive calendar weeks of personal access to me, whether the student uses the opportunity or not. It’s recommended that you purchase a subscription at least two weeks longer than the course as it is unlikely you will be able to finish it without needing to take one or two weeks off. Extensions may be purchased as needed.